BRH Membership Dues & Categories

We welcome new members and offer a variety of membership packages to suit every need. 

The Masters and Board of Bull Run Hunt look forward to your joining us for our upcoming season of hunting and fellowship.  In addition to foxhunting, we hope you will join us for our many social activities and also participate in our fundraising projects. Please checkout our website and Facebook page so you don’t miss out on any of our events.


  • Waiver

  • Membership Application - If you are interested in joining, please be aware that you must have capped at least three times with us. (A maximum of five caps per year is allowed.) Please reach out to the Field Secretary, Davera Ackenbom, or the Honorary Secretary, Kristi Clore, for a membership application.

  • For questions or information please contact Kristi Clore, Honorary Secretary, at 540-219-1206


© Liz Callar


  • $2,710 Regular/Provisional Family Membership Includes spouses and dependent children 18 and under and those attending college. Provisional members are non-voting until the Board votes to make them Regular Members.

  • $2,090 Regular/Provisional Single Membership Same as Reg/Prov Family except is for individuals not meeting the requirements for a family membership.

  • $1,590 Associate Family Must be a full member of a recognized hunt club. Entitled to ride four (4) days per month during open cubbing and regular season. A letter from the field secretary of their hunt verifying membership is required to be submitted with the application of dues. (non-voting)

  • $1,090 Associate Single Same as Associate Family. (non-voting)

  • $1,340 Out of State Family Limited to four (4) days per month for non-Virginia residents who are regular members of non-Virginia hunts. A letter for the field secretary of their hunt verifying membership is requested to be submitted with the application and dues. (non-voting)

  • $925 Out of State Single Same as Out of State Family. (non-voting)

  • $715 Young Adult For ages 21-30 before opening meet.

  • $210 Junior Up to and including age 20 before opening meet, or age of 24 if full time student. Each junior will be assigned a sponsor/mentor who is a senior member. (non-voting)

  • $765 Groom Individual paid by a member and riding that member’s horse. (The grooms relationship and membership is tied only to the member paying the grooms dues.) Grooms should ride in the back of the field; assist with gates, etc. as instructed by the Field Master. (non-voting)

  • $275 Hunt Supporter Family Hunt Supporters receive all hunt mailings, including invitations to breakfasts, Christmas Party, Hunt Ball and all other social events. Hunt Supporters may also follow the hunt in cars during open cubbing and regular meets. (non-voting) Should Hunt Supporters decide they would like to ride, they will pay caps up to five times then apply for a regular membership.

  • $210 Hunt Supporter Single Same as Hunt Supporter Family. (non-voting)